The IGB held its final open meeting of 2024 last week. Administrator Marcus Fruchter opened the meeting with a pledge to report on the entirety of the IGB’s 2024 activities at the next meeting, which will be on February 6, 2025. Fruchter then reminded the room about the IGB’s continuing request for comments about two recent and important topics for discussion: The potential implementation of a self-exclusion program, and cashless wagering for the VGT industry. All comments are due by January 13, 2025. We encourage all VGT businesses to weigh in.
Fruchter closed his opening remarks by stating that the IGB’s efforts to implement TITO remain on schedule. You can read more about our thoughts on TITO and why it matters, here. Fruchter also took the opportunity to remind everyone about the continued presence of unlicensed and unregulated gaming options and encouraged people to check the IGB’s website to verify whether or not a gaming option is licensed by the IGB.
Recent Illinois Gaming Numbers and Revenue
Illinois currently hosts 16 casinos, 15 sportsbooks, 58 Terminal Operators (TOs), 8,665 video gaming establishments and 48,728 operating VGTs.
In November 2024, VGTs generated NTI of $254,974,909, yielding a total tax of $89,241,167– $76,121,116 to the State, and $13,120,051 to local municipalities. Illinois casinos produced AGR of $152,868,724, generating tax of $48,044,870 with $38,225,523 going to the State and $9,819,347 to the local communities.
In October 2024, Illinois sportsbooks had AGR of $81,351,389, producing a State tax of $24,460,987, with $904,079 going to Cook County.
2024 Year-end Gaming Revenues
Perhaps unsurprisingly to those who have been paying attention, the Illinois gaming industry had a very strong year. From January-November of 2024 the industry as a whole generated a total gaming tax of $1,529,186,389. The State received $1,293,215,968, while local municipalities took in $235,970,421. It’s safe to say that the future is bright for all Illinois gaming businesses.
Licensing Updates
Speaking of growth, the Board issued new Terminal Operator (TO) licenses to the following: Blue Ridge Gaming, LLC, Chicagoland Gaming, LLC and Ella Gaming, LLC. It also issued 5 new Technician licenses and 71 Terminal Handler licenses.
Notices of Non-Renewal were issued to the following Terminal Handlers: Jacky Don Forsyth and Celso Perez.
The IGB issued 81 new Establishment licenses, while issuing Notices of Denial to the following 4 applicants: Mi Nuevo Leon, LLC; New Market Group, LLC, d/b/a Tom’s Market; The 143 Hideout LLC; and Venice Neighborhood Market LLC. Notices of Non-Renewal were issued to William F. Earnest, Post No. 559, d/b/a American Legion Post #559; and Tavern on LaGrange Corp.
Requests for Hearing
One Request for Hearing was heard this month, denying the request from Knox Investments, Inc., d/b/a The Pony for failing to state a prima facie case.
Further, the Board rescinded an October denial of a Request for Hearing from Gammon Coach House, LLC stemming from originally being deemed ineligible for a license due to its proximity to a church. The hearing will allow the parties to explore the related IGB rule on this topic.
The next IGB meeting is scheduled for February 6, 2025. We hope you have a wonderful holiday season. Don’t forget to follow Universal Gaming Group on LinkedIn for ongoing updates, industry news and more gaming insights!
Universal Gaming Group advocates for responsible gambling.
Must be 21 or older to game. If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, crisis counseling and referral services can be accessed by calling 1-800-GAMBLER (1-800-426-2537) or text “GAMB” to 833234. Individuals can enroll in the IGB Self-Exclusion Program at all of the IGB offices located at all casinos. Additional information can be found at https://www.igb.illinois.gov/selfexclusion.