Welcome to another Illinois Gaming Board (IGB) update! This month, the IGB shared encouraging revenue updates and asked the gaming community for assistance with public commentary, and in reporting illegal gaming operations. Continue reading below for these and other important updates.
Reminder of Request for Public Commentary
Administrator Marcus Fruchter opened the April meeting by reminding those in attendance about the IGB’s request for public commentary regarding temporary operating permits or faster licensing processes for video gaming locations in limited circumstances. Fruchter reiterated the importance of stakeholder input on the topic, and restated the deadline for submitting comments to the IGB by 5:00 p.m. on April 30. Businesses are encouraged to share their thoughts and opinions.
Reporting Illegal Gambling in Illinois
Illinois continues to suffer from illegal gambling operations that tarnish the industry’s reputation and harm legal gaming businesses. The IGB asks that anyone who is aware of illegal gaming operations reports these activities utilizing the portal available on the IGB’s website. Fruchter made mention of sweepstakes games as a particular example. Illegal gambling operations offer no consumer protections, controls or responsible oversight and are often run by individuals who have not been properly licensed or passed background checks. These operations also do not contribute to State or local tax revenue, denying the public of crucial contributions.
By the Numbers: Illinois VGT Gaming Revenue Continues to Grow
In March of 2024, Illinois VGTs produced a Net Terminal Income (NTI) of $276,390,729, resulting in a total tax amount of $93,971,567–a significant gain from previous months that were in the range of $70 million. The State received $80,156,414, with local municipalities receiving $13,815,153.
Licensing Updates
This month the Board granted new Terminal Operator (TO) licenses to Gamacy LLC, Merrill Ridge LLC and Outplay Entertainment LLC. The Board also issued 33 new Terminal Handler licenses and 4 Technician licenses.
The Board also approved 123 Establishment applications, but issued Notices of Denial to four applicants while Fruchter exercised his delegation of authority to deny an additional location for being located too close to a place of worship. (Read more about gaming license requirements in Illinois.)
The Board issued Notices of Non-Renewal to five Licensed Establishments.
Request for Hearing
One Request for Hearing was heard but denied for failing to comply with IGB rules. This serves as a good reminder to make sure that any Requests for Hearings or any other requests to the IGB are submitted within the rules set forth by the IGB. Universal Gaming Group is happy to assist with any questions you might have regarding this process.
The next IGB meeting is scheduled for June 6th, 2024. Don’t forget to follow Universal Gaming Group on LinkedIn for ongoing updates, industry news and more gaming insights!