Welcome to another Illinois Gaming Board (IGB) recap with everything you need to know about the latest industry news and regulations.
A Blockbuster 2023
The Illinois Gaming Board held its last open meeting of 2023 last week. Board member Anthony Garcia began the meeting by publicly thanking the IGB’s staff for all of its work throughout 2023. Administrator Marcus Fruchter followed this message with his own thanks and then provided a summary of various projects and work the IGB has engaged in this year.
Gaming in Illinois continues to grow and certainly took a significant step forward in 2023 with four new casinos and two new sportsbooks opening, not to mention the continued growth within the VGT industry.
New Revenue Results
Fruchter provided some eye-popping new statistics and revenue results for Illinois’ various gaming segments. There are 8,443 Establishments that host an aggregate of 46,899 VGTs. The vast majority of those VGTs (46,419) are operating with the updated max bet software. In addition, 5,923 of Establishments host more than five VGTs on site. In October, Illinois VGTs generated NTI of $238,632,707, which yielded total tax of $81,130,834. The State retained $69,202,782, while municipalities and counties received $11,928,051. In November, Illinois casinos produced an AGR of $130,364,756 and total tax of $41,522,094. The State kept $33,706,244 and host communities collected $7,815,850. In September, sports wagering AGR was $86,222,260, which produced State tax of $12,933,339. Cook County also received an additional $925,553. Year-to-date collections (with varying periods in each segment) show $1,288,794,402 of total tax received. The State’s share is $1,081,572,356, while locals received $207,222,046.
Rule 350 Enforcement
Fruchter reminded the VGT audience for the third time that the industry’s compliance with Rule 350 (mandated marketing cost splits) must remain a focus, while potentially hinting toward the issuance of disciplinary complaints on this topic if reports of noncompliance continue. Fruchter also mentioned again that the IGB’s financial group is conducting an audit of Rule 350(f) compliance. This rule requires timely and complete reports to be submitted to the IGB on goods and services provided to Establishments, including cost-sharing arrangements between the parties. If a licensee is unwilling or unable to comply with this requirement, Fruchter said it will lead to questions about that licensee’s good standing and participation in the industry. The IGB intends to strictly enforce Rule 350(f) and discipline will ensue if parties are noncompliant.
Responsible Gaming Signage Update
Fruchter noted that the IGB posted on its website the approved language for responsible gaming signage now required under Rule 1750. The approved language is:
“If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, crisis counseling and referral services can be accessed by calling 1-800-GAMBLER (1-800-426-2537) or text “GAMB” to 833234.
Individuals can enroll in the IGB Self-Exclusion Program at all of the IGB offices located at all casinos. Additional information can be found at https://www.igb.illinois.gov/selfexclusion”
It is recommended to move forward with installation of these signs at one’s earliest convenience.
Vertical Integration
Fruchter also confirmed that the IGB has made its second notice filing related to the vertical integration rule proposals it made much earlier this year (prohibiting individuals from holding more than one type of license). We intend to provide you with a summary of the IGB’s proposal in the near future to aid in your review.
Licensing News
The IGB denied Terminal Operator applicant BG-ILCO, LLC, but issued 2 Technician licenses, 25 Terminal Handler licenses and 96 new Establishment licenses. The IGB is seeking to deny the application of Mars Supermarket, Inc.
Further, the IGB rescinded two previous denials and granted licenses to the following Establishments: Alimi Brothers, LLC, d/b/a Village Inn Pancake House, and RWBC Inc., d/b/a Main Street Pour House.
The Board considered four Requests for Hearing today, but denied all of them. The Establishment applicants impacted by this are: Bevda’s Inc.; Alton Market Inc.; Mikey’s Bar and Grill, Ltd., d/b/a The Junkyard Bar and Grill, and Jewelbox Gaming Lounge.
Rule 320 Petition
The IGB adopted the Administrator’s recommended decision to dismiss the petition filed by Eureka Entertainment, LLC, d/b/a Universal Gaming Group, v. Gold Rush Amusements, Inc., involving Ayushi Inc., d/b/a JD Food & Liquor.
The IGB ordered the disassociation of Matthew Dean Munson from J&J Ventures Gaming, which had previously acquired assets from Munson in a deal approved by the IGB under Rule 340. Relatedly, the IGB ordered the Golden Nugget (i.e., the Danville casino) to disassociate from Mr. Munson. The Board also denied the Supplier License application of Vemco, LLC, which is an entity owned by Mr. Munson.
2024 Meeting Dates
After another successful year in gaming, the IGB will look forward to meeting per the below schedule in 2024. Don’t forget to follow Universal Gaming Group on LinkedIn for ongoing updates, industry news and more gaming insights!
February 08, 2024
March 14, 2024
April 25, 2024
June 06, 2024
July 25, 2024
September 12, 2024
October 24, 2024
December 12, 2024